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Niklaus Largier Resource Recommendations

Miranda Schonbrun

Accompanying the online reflection “The Textures of the Soul: Isolation Throughout History and Religion” Niklaus Largier provided resource recommendations on the topics of religion, history, and isolation.

  • The Desert Fathers: Sayings of the Early Christian Monks (Apophthegmata patrum), translated by Benedicta Ward (available from University Press Books here)
  • The Philokalia, translated by G. E. H. Palmer (available from University Press Books here)
  • The Life of Antony, translated by Robert C. Gregg, preface by William A. Clebsch (available from University Press Books here)
  • Isaac the Syrian’s Spiritual Works, edited by Mary T. Hansbury, translated by Mary T. Hansbury (available from University Press Books here)
  • Against Nature, Joris Karl Huysmans, edited by Nicholas White, translated by Margaret Mauldon (available from University Press Books here)
  • A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf
  • Luis Buñuel’s Simon of the Desert Part 1
  • Luis Buñuel’s Simon of the Desert Part 2

As part of the Berkeley Democracy and Public Theology Program, BCSR’s Public Forum on Religion and Pandemic brings together scholars and the public to address the current pandemic and its commensurate crises, exploring the intersection between religion and timely topics such as the environment, public health, elections and democracy, religious freedom, and nationalism in order to foster dialogue and reflection.

The Berkeley Public Forum on Religion and Pandemic is generously sponsored by the Henry Luce Foundation