word cloud with study, center, berkeley, religion, and BCSR as most prominent elements

Missed an Event? Recordings Are Now Available

Miranda Schonbrun News

The Center has been busy! Recordings of the following events are available on Soundcloud or YouTube.

April 25: “‘Doing’ Political Theology Today: Promises and Pitfalls” Ruth Marshall: SoundCloud Recording

April 3: “The Creative Repercussions of Counterculture” Haroon Mirza: SoundCloud Recording

March 13: “What’s Theology Got to Do With It? An Eighteenth-Century Chinese Emperor Debating Religions and Christianity” Eugenio Menegon: SoundCloud Recording

March 7:  “Critical Public Theology: How to Use and Not to Use the Bible in Contemporary Public Issues” Konrad Schmid: SoundCloud Recording

March 4: “Captivated by the Mediterranean: Early Modern Spain and the Political Economy of Ransom” Daniel Hershenzon: YouTube | SoundCloud Recording

February 27: “The Politics of Truth: A Way Forward | Arlie Hochschild and Thomas Lacqueur in Conversation” Arlie Hochschild, Thomas Lacqueur: SoundCloud Recording

February 22-23: “Theology and The Public University” (in progress)  SoundCloud Recording