Voting the Divine Series

Miranda Schonbrun

Voting the Divine Series

November 01, 2021 - April 30, 2022 / All Day / Add to Google

As part of BCSR’s Democracy and Public Theology Program, the Voting the Divine Series is a sequence of public lectures and seminars that examines theological contexts and motives of voting and deliberation in premodern societies. The series addresses the relationship between voting as the signal marker of democracy, and the rituals and theologies of both monotheist and polytheist societies. This series focuses on democracy as a central feature of religious life.

Republican Religion in Republican Rome?
Clifford Ando, University of Chicago

Through the Looking Glass: Perspectives on the Interaction Between “Politics” and “Religion” in Ancient Greece
Josine Blok, Utrecht University, NL

APRIL 2022
Consensus and Early Islamic Law
Asad Ahmed, UC Berkeley

APRIL 2022
Voting from the Rooftops: Religion and Politics in Mughal India
Abishek Kaicker, UC Berkeley

Download the series poster here

The Berkeley Democracy and Public Theology Program is generously supported by the Henry Luce Foundation