Graduate Working Group on Religion

July 1, 2021

The Berkeley Center for the Study of Religion has launched a Graduate Working Group on Religion for 2021–2022, coordinated by Mohamad Jarada (PhD candidate, Anthropology) for graduate students interested in the study of religion, broadly construed.

Working group funds are available to organize a symposium, invite scholars to visit and give public lectures, and create other possible forums to share the diverse research on religion at UC Berkeley.

For planning purposes for the upcoming semester, we invite feedback from as many graduate students as possible who would like to participate and organize around various topics related to the study of religion, including but not limited to: race and racialization; theological politics and political theology; ecologies and the environment; emergent forms of social and political action; secularism, liberalism, and related political forms; and many other topics.

We seek to establish organized forums around which graduate students could find camaraderie and support in the study of religion and theology.

Please send an email to Mohamad Jarada at for more information.

Download this flyer here

The annual Graduate Working Group on Religion is funded by the Berkeley Democracy and Public Theology Program, supported by the Henry Luce Foundation.