March 11, 2021
The Designated Emphasis in the Study of Religion (DESR) has approved 10 fall 2021 courses to count towards the core and elective requirements for the DE. These courses reflect the interdisciplinary breadth of the DESR, with core and elective options in Ancient History & Mediterranean Archaeology, Buddhist Studies, Classics, English, History, History of Art, Italian Studies, Jewish Studies, Music, Near Eastern Studies, and Study of Religion.
For more information on fall courses, full course descriptions, and the curricular requirements of the DESR, please visit our courses page.
Fall 2021 Core Courses
- Histories of the Study of Religion | Mark Csikszentmihalyi
- Voting the Divine: Religious Disputes and Communal Decision Making in the Roman Empire | Susanna Elm, Duncan Macrae
Fall 2021 Elective Courses
- Seminar in Classical Arabic Literature | Margaret Larkin
- Readings in Chinese Buddhist Texts | Robert H. Sharf
- Readings in Tibetan Buddhist Texts | Jacob Dalton
- Milton | Joanna Picciotto
- Seminar in Baroque Art—Graduate Seminar: Ornament, Alterity and the Long Early Modern | Anneka Lenssen, Todd P. Olson
- Advanced Studies: Sources/General Literature of the Several Fields: Africa—Africa from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century | Tabitha M Kanogo
- Jews and the Archive: Learning Methods, Questioning Sources | Ethan Benjamin Katz, Francesco Spagnolo
- Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Italian Studies–Aby Warburg in Italy | Henrike Christiane Lange