March 19, 2020
Be sure to check out BCSR faculty and affiliates’ fall courses related to religion, spanning diverse fields including Buddhist Studies, Comparative Literature, East Asian Languages and Cultures, German, History, Jewish Studies, Near Eastern Studies, and South and Southeast Asian Studies!
- The Quran and Its Interpretation | NESTUD 180 001 | Asad Ahmed
- Sociology and History: Religious Pluralism in the Mediterranean | SOCIOL 190 006 | Karen Barkey
- Art and Archaeology of Buddhism | BUDDSTD 250 001 | Osmund Bopearachchi
- Introductory Readings in Japanese Buddhist Texts | BUDDSTD C141 001/JAPAN C141 001 | Mark L. Blum
- Chinese Thought in the Han Dynasty | CHINESE 51 001 | Mark Csikszentmihalyi
- Readings in Tibetan Buddhist Texts | BUDDSTD C224 001/SASIAN C224 001/TIBETAN C224 001 | Jacob Dalton
- Tantric Traditions of Asia | SSEASN C135 001 | Jacob Dalton
- Death, Dreams, and Vision in Tibetan Buddhism | BUDDSTD C154 001/SASIAN C154 001/TIBETAN C154 001 | Jacob Dalton
- History of the Holocaust | HISTORY 178 001 | John Efron
- Islam in South Asia | SASIAN 144 001 | Munis D. Faruqui
- Hindu Mythology | SASIAN 140 001 | Robert P. Goldman
- Ancient Near Eastern Mythology | NESTUD 39A 001 | Ron Hendel
- Jews and Judaism: From Paris to Jerusalem and Beyond | History 175C 001/JEWISH 100 | Ethan Katz
- Seminar in Buddhism and Buddhist Texts | BUDDSTD C220 001/EALANG C220 001/SSEASN C220 001 | Kritzer
- Medieval and Renaissance Mysticism | COMLIT 215 001/GERMAN 205 001 | Niklaus Largier
- Jewish Folktales Around the World: Past and Present, Self and Other | JEWISH 120 001 | Sarah Levin
- Introduction to Jewish Mysticism | JEWISH 122 001/NESTUD 134 001 | Tomer Persico
- Readings in Indian Buddhist Texts | BUDDSTD C215 001/SASIAN C215 001 | Alexander von Rospatt
- Introduction to the History of Religion | HISTORY 20 001 | Ethan Shagan
- Introduction to the Study of Buddhism | BUDDSTD C50 001/EALANG C50 001/SSEASN C52 001 | Robert H. Sharf
- Proseminar in Buddhist Studies | BUDDSTD 200 001 | Robert H. Sharf
- Readings in Chinese Buddhist Texts | BUDDSTD C223 001/CHINESE C223 001 | Robert H. Sharf
- Music in Israel | JEWISH 121 001 | Francesco Spagnolo
- Babylonian Religion | NESTUD 104 001 | Nicolaas Veldhuis
- Readings in Chinese Buddhist Texts | BUDDSTD C140 001/CHINESE C140 001| Mengxiao Wang
More information on these and other religious studies courses at Berkeley can be found in the Schedule of Classes.
We collect submissions for the Religion Courses articles year round. If you have any religion-related courses that you would like to share with the BCSR community, please send us the details at